Up at about 6:00 we left for the hospital around 8:00. Arriving 45 minutes early gave me time for a cup of coffee after check in. We were taken to a room for Laura to get ready and meet the nurses, anesthesiologist, technicians etc. By noon, she was finally ready to get it done.
The surgery was scheduled to start at 12:30 and end around 4:30. Actual time turned out to be about 1:30 to 5:30 in the operating room and she finally got into recovery around 6:45. She was in reovery about an hour before they would let me see her and then for only 15 minutes. She looked great considering what she went through. Very happy to see me, she had a big smile and complained about being hungry. They weren't ready to take her to a room and wouldn't let me stay as visiting hours end at 8:00 p.m. anyway. It was still great to see her with a smile on her face.
Dr. Buly met with me after the surgery to explain what had been done and that it went extremely well. She will have movement in all directions in her hip right away but can't put weight on it for 6 weeks. The amazing thing is that they are going to get her up tomorrow and get her moving...less than 24 hours after the surgery.
I would like to thank everyone for their support and a special thanks to Sean, Bronwyn and Baxter Beans for helping with Paris today and bringing her to pick me up at the train station tonight. By the time I got off the train at 10:00 tonight, I was exhausted and did not relish the walk up the hill to our house. It's amazing how "beat" you get waiting around a hospital for close to 12 hours.
It is now a new day for both Laura and I. For her, the long process of healing has started. For me, it is now close to 12:30 a.m. and I need sleep. It's going to be another long day at the hospital in a few hours but it is all good.
(BTW - this picture was taken in pre-op. I can assure you that I didn't look this perky in post-op.)
YEAH!! I knew you would come through with flying colors!! You're such a trooper. Hopefully the healing process will be quick and painless. See you on Monday, if you're up for it.
Love & Kisses,
Jennifer W
Great to hear that Laura did so well. Please let her know that she has been in my thoughts and it is fantastic news that everything went well with the surgery. The recovery part is much easier than the waiting.
Lauren in Atlanta
Good work, team! I hope today is going well and Laura is comfortable. Don't forget to take care of yourself, too, Doug.
When you get a chance, please send me your nephew's email address. I would like to write to him and see how he is doing.
Happy walking today! -- Shannon
Way to go, Laura! You and Paris will be running agility together again real soon.
Much love, from Bronwyn and Sean and Baxter Beans
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