Monday, March 31, 2008

Take Me Out To The... Rain Delay

The New York Yankees Opening Day was postponed until tomorrow due to rain, but not until the stadium was packed full and we all had hung around for a couple of hours. Take two is tomorrow night.

The big challenge for me with a cane, is that I'm slow. I'm also finding that as a person walking with a cane, I'm less noticeable then when I was on crutches. When tens of thousands of mostly semi-intoxicated people are trying to get on a subway, it can get ugly. I had Doug walk directly behind me to block and prevent me from getting run over. As we were going down the stairs to get on the subway some guy was bitching at his wife (who was directly behind Doug) for not going fast enough. Trust me, I had words for them - they chose to completely ignore me. Perhaps if they had just kicked me down the stairs they could have moved faster.

My personal trainer has advised me to get either a set of what he calls Canadian Crutches (the shorties with arm cuffs) or a second cane. I need to walk with them for at least 10 minutes twice a day so that I can practice walking without listing to one side. I figure that I'll probably be on the Canadians when I have my pins removed anyway, so on our way home today we ordered a pair from the pharmacy. They MIGHT be in by the time I need to get on the train tomorrow morning. I hope they are - I'm curious to see how I fare in the crowds with them. Perhaps I'll be a little more noticeable and people either back off and/or hold their tongues.

I've got one word for you, Mister Kicka Gimp Down the Stairs: KARMA.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

No Chauffeur Required

This afternoon I wanted to get a manicure; Doug wanted to veg out and watch golf. No problem - I just drove myself. It was the first time in nearly two months. I thought it would feel like a big deal, but it was just like hopping in the car any other time and driving.

I am glad I got that out of the way though. I have to head out to LA in about a week and a half, and anyone who has driven out there knows what a challenge it can be. The reality is, because of public transportation, I drive more days in LA every year than I do in New York. Just the same, I'm glad my first time back on the road isn't in a rental car headed towards the 405.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

More Hip Drama

This time it is not my own.

My father-in-law, Art, fell on Thursday night and broke his femur. Last night they did a partial (ball only) hip replacement. Doug, our niece and I drove up to Cape Cod to see him today.

I really feel for him. Unlike me, who had the time to physically and emotionally prepare, his surgery is the result of an accident. He is 48 years my senior and frail. Visiting him today brought back a lot of what I went through when I was the patient. My recovery has been physically challenging and for weeks, tired me to no end. I know that he has a tough road ahead.

I am reaffirmed that I have made the right decision to have my hips corrected while I am young and healthy enough to do so. I know that I will have to work to keep myself and my rebuilt hips in the best condition possible throughout my entire life, but by doing so I'll be better equipped to deal with physical issues later in life. I am thankful for our health insurance and to live near one of the best hospitals in the world.

Get well soon Art!

PT vs. PT

Today I started PT with Adam.

I did close to a year of Physical Therapy to treat generalized ligament laxity before learning that what I really have is bilateral hip dysplasia. I hated PT and it felt like a chore. The worst part was that, for all of those many, many sessions, I didn't get any better. It was Dr. Buly who told me that I could do all the PT in the world, but it wouldn't fix my hips. It was a relief to know why all that work hadn't gained me any ground. Because of my experience, I associate Physical Therapy with being a complete waste of my time.

And so today I am back at PT. I opted to go to a place affiliated with HSS - the PT chop shop I'd been to previously wasn't even on the list. Shocking. This time it will be different. There's a part of me that still balks at the mind-numbing exercises, but this place does feel different. For one thing, I'm not being treated by a 20-something who just got his/her associate's degree in PT a month ago; I've got a real guy who knows his stuff and explains why I need to do this. He also figured me out in a heartbeat - I'm a girl who's going to over do it/rush it/push it the second no one's looking. He was rather adamant that I play by the rules, but also explained the reasons why. I will listen to reason if the argument is sufficient, and it was.

Mainly though, this experience will be different because for weeks I've been telling myself that this time PT will be a positive. I've also decided that I'm not going to see a Physical Therapist twice a week, I'm going to a Personal Trainer. I'm going to come out of this walking like a normal person, with a right foot that's no longer atrophied, and with the right side of my ass looking like it's supposed to, and not the deflated thing it became shortly after surgery.

Personal Training: I am ready.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Penguin Makes Dinner

Today I figured out what I look like when I walk without my cane: a penguin. I have that perfect penguiny, in not too much of a hurry, waddle. Me thinks I should refrain from wearing black and white while I am in this phase of my recovery...

The cane is a weird thing. I don't feel like I'm leaning on it too much, but when I use it I don't have the waddle. I pretty much walk like a normal person, seemingly not in need of a cane. Cane down, I'm a penguin again. Ah, well.

I got a call back from the PT peeps and they had a cancellation tomorrow morning at 8:00 (yeah, I'd cancel too, who wants to do PT that early in the day - really?!) But I'll take what I can get. Maybe they'll be so impressed with my waddling skills that they'll throw me a mackerel as a reward.

I'm home today and have decided to put my waddling to work and am making dinner for Doug for the first time on my SixWeekAversery. I hope he likes the surprise - I'm quite sure he will.

Not on the menu: Mackerel or any other raw fish, frozen or otherwise.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I saw Dr. Buly today for my six week check up. After looking at the x-rays and talking for a couple of minutes, he said "let me see you walk." "Without crutches???" I replied. No, as it turns out - first things first, I walked using the crutches but bearing weight. I'm cleared to walk on two legs and go without the crutches or a cane when at home. Wahoo! Mind you, my right leg has all of the stability of a toddler's, but I'm walking!

I'm also good to start PT. As soon as I can get an appointment.... Right now they don't have any openings before April 10th, but the kind woman on the phone said she would check with the supervisor tomorrow morning to see if they can get me in sooner than that. Fingers crossed.

I got my TSA card, for what it's worth. A pre-printed card with my name written on it with a Sharpie. How very official. I had better keep up my American Airlines Platinum status - I think I'll get a lot further with that card to be honest.

Doug and I cabbed to my office and then walked (all of a block and a half) to the tax accountant. By this point, my arms were already feeling chafed due to the crutch-walking and I was ready for a cane.

The planets must be properly aligned today, because we made out OK with the tax accountant too. Through an error on the part of Doug's company and an extra estimated payment that I made last year, it looks like we might actually squeak out a refund. It would be nice not to have to write a check to the IRS for a change.

I called our local pharmacist on the way home and he stayed opened for us to stop by so I could buy a (very geriatric looking) cane. I really need to get myself something cooler than this...

Off to Dog School now.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

T'ai Chi Class and Taxes

I went to T'ai Chi class tonight.

I haven't ditched the crutches and I'm not disobeying doctor's orders - I just watched. Having studied for three years a while back, and then getting back into it last fall, I find watching helps me to keep up with the progression of the class. Although, it really makes me wish I were participating. Hopefully soon.

I have my 6 week appointment tomorrow. We also have our meeting with the tax accountant. So what am I doing tonight??? Hopefully not pulling an all-nighter, but I haven't done a damn thing to get ready until tonight. Good times...

Monday, March 24, 2008

"Don't be afraid to take that big step"

That's what my fortune cookie said tonight.

If that big step is being weight bearing and PT, I'm not afraid at all.

Bring it on!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Doug and I rode out to Joy-see today for dinner at my sister's house. I did finish out all of yesterday without taking any Tylenol, but ended up needing two of them early this afternoon. I guess I shouldn't expect the need for them to disappear overnight, but I've never been known for my patience.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

0.00 Miligrams

For the first time in 5+ weeks I made it through an entire day (as of this posting) without any Tylenol.

I did have my morning and evening aspirins as directed. Aren't I past the blood clot watch by now? Guess I'll find out when I see Dr. Buly on Wednesday.

It was a beautiful Spring day today and I went for a "walk," albeit only for about a third of a mile. I like the new-found upper body strength but am ready to be crutchless again. Lately I've been having dreams about walking. My subconscious is ready, I feel like I'm ready, hopefully Dr. Buly will concur.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Freakin' Tourists!

Over the last 3 weeks I've had my share of positive and negative experiences pertaining to my commute. New Yorkers, on the whole, are very good people. I've had countless offers of help up and down stairs and many, many doors opened or held for me without my asking. I think that for those of us who regularly use public transportation, it isn't difficult to imagine oneself in my shoes (or on my crutches.) New Yorkers get it.

Tourists are a whole different lot. I can't figure out if they think that because they're in New York they're supposed to be rude, as they misguidedly think we are, or if it's just that the bulk of them are truly idiots. The sarcasm in "oh please, let ME get out of YOUR way" is completely lost on them.

The holiday had them out in droves today. Thankfully, after 5 weeks on crutches I'm pretty sure of myself. I've actually gone so far as to intentionally clip a couple of them just to get the point across.

I acknowledge that all out of towners aren't bad. I also think that Times Square happens to be the magnet for the worst of them and my office happens to be smack dab in the middle of it.

Let them be warned: I will be weight bearing soon and armed with a cane!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring - 5 Weeks Post Operative

Today is the first day of Spring and it's been five weeks since my surgery.

I feel good. I don't feel drained from the production days earlier in the week. I'm looking forward to my appointment with Dr. Buly next week.

I am so ready to start PT.

PS - I added some photos to the entries from my road trip earlier in the week.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Recharging the Batteries

I stayed home today and laid on the sofa all day. I truly needed it and the two hour nap that I took. Part of what made the last few days a challenge was the strain on my left hip, this being the hardest it's had to work to date.

The biggest difference between today and me about two weeks ago, is that I feel like I got the rest that I needed and I'm not completely wiped out. My stamina is returning.

Back to the office tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Home Run

We're now headed home. The shoots went well. Set your DVR's for Thursday at 6 PM to see "Choose or Lose Presents: Clinton and Obama Answer Young Veterans.". Or check it out on -

There, I've done my company-girl plug.

In Hipville it's been a little tough to be upright for so many hours. I would not have made it through the day without a well timed grande latte. But I did make it. I feel like it was good to push the envelope a bit.

Definitely working from home tomorrow.

This is our "cast and crew" photo. I'm the one wearing the orange scarf. ;)

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day

It's 11 PM and the long day is over. I made it through with a combination of lattes, all 4000 mgs of Tylenol, and pure TV production adrenaline. The only bad part is that I've been either sitting or standing for the last 15 hours, so my op leg circulation isn't so hot right now.

Tomorrow will be longer - up and at 'em b y 6:30 AM, should be home by midnight. Looks like I'll be working from home on Wednesday.

The attached photo isn't the best, but what we were trying to capture is me with my PL (headset) which the A2's (audio guys) attached to my crutches.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

On the Road Again

This morning I left for a two day, two city shoot in Pennsylvania. It's all within driving distance of NYC so I rode out with one of my Line Producers. After we wrap on Tuesday night we should be able to make it back to NY before midnight.

While driving is most convenient, there's a part of me that's a weensie bit disappointed that we're not flying.I'm curious to see what it will be like setting off the metal detectors.

Long day today. Even longer day tomorrow.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Ides of March

"'Beware the Ides of March,' has forever imbued that date with a sense of foreboding. But in Roman times the expression 'Ides of March' did not necessarily evoke a dark mood—it was simply the standard way of saying 'March 15.' Surely such a fanciful expression must signify something more than merely another day of the year? Not so."*

I can attest to this. Today was just another Saturday. PeaPod delivery, breakfast at the diner, dry cleaner pick-up/drop-off, haircut for Doug, mani's for both of us, a nice dinner at home. No dark moods here.

My big Hipville achievement today was that for the first time in more than a month, I crossed my legs at the knee. What wish I could have done was enjoy this nice pre-spring day by going for a hike. I can't wait for that day to come. Maybe by the ides of April...

*Borgna Brunner,

Friday, March 14, 2008


While my crutching stamina has improved substantially in the last couple of weeks, my overall energy level is only slowly getting better. I still get pretty tired by the end of the days when I'm in the office. If the sun isn't streaming through the window first thing in the morning, I could sleep until noon.

Next week I'll have to push my energy up a notch, come hell or high water, since we've got two big shoots in PA.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gear List

Cass posted a note to me asking about the crutch bag, wondering where Doug had ordered it from. (BTW it's great, but needs to be additionally secured with zip ties.) I decided to add a little list to my blog of the gear that I bought prior to and just after my surgery. I hope it helps my fellow Hip Chicks.

The one thing I've been telling everyone who will listen is: Get bike gloves! They make all the difference in the world. That's why I put them at the top of the list.

It's been 4 weeks since my surgery. It's gone by faster than I thought it would.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's In The Bag

My wonderful husband ordered this for me and today it arrived. I'm psyched to test it out when I'm back in the office on Friday. It's been a challenge to get to and from meetings with even just a pen and a (very) small notebook. I'm not so sure I'll be tooling around with a water bottle, as shown, but now I won't be without my phone and Blackberry. :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So, last night another Steri-Strip fell off. When I got up in the morning I saw that another had fallen off. And there was one that was hanging on by a thread that I helped off... Down to 10.

Mid-day another fell off and I found yet another that looked ready to go. Next thing I knew, I had them all off - every last one.

I'm happy to report that my leg didn't fall apart or come unzipped. I'm also happy to report that the incision doesn't look too bad, although my leg does look a little lumpy. I guess I forgot to ask Dr. Buly to do a little lipo while he was in the 'hood.

Ah, well. Notes for next time.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pacing Myself

I'm going into this week planning to work Monday, Wednesday, Friday from the office and Tuesday and Thursday from home. As much as I enjoy being back, I'm tired right now having put in a full day.

My crutching stamina continues to improve. A week ago, I had to stop to rest six times between the train and my office. This morning I made the same trip only stopping twice!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring Ahead

Ahhhh, I love that it's after 6:30 PM and it's still light out!

Had a fairly average Sunday - Doug and I transported a dog (as part of the rescue group that we volunteer for,) I got my hair done, and also got a much-needed manicure. The only part that isn't average/normal is that Doug has to do all of the driving. I have to be chauffeured everywhere...

Mind you, he doesn't complain, but you've gotta feel for the guy who has to sit around at the hair salon and then nail salon while his wife is being maintained.

I feel a fishing trip coming up...

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Doug and I went into Manhattan today and had massages. Thankfully, someone has already invented the massage table with a hydraulic lift which spared me from having to do some unsightly gymnastics in order to get up onto it. I truly feel like a new woman. Getting the blood flowing in my right leg and having work done on which ever muscle it is in my right calf that has been squawking about having to hold up my foot, was worth the price of admission alone. Three weeks post-op was probably just about the right amount of time to go in for a massage too. Can't wait to go back. (McGuire - I've already booked my next two!)

We met up with a friend for drinks before heading home. I had a record two glasses of wine and was still able to crutch my way to the train.

A blissful day indeed.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Steri-Strip Tease

Dr Buly made about an 8" incision along the outside of my thigh. He closed it up using a plastic surgery technique (no staples, no removable stitches) and then topped it off with 15 pieces of Steri-Strips plus those that went over the arthroscopy and drain incisions. Three weeks and a day later I still have 12 left - only the top 3 have fallen off. OK, one of them had a little help, which turned out not to be the best thing, but I really thought it was just hanging on by a thread...

At this rate, I think I'll still have some left when I go back to Dr. Buly in another 3 plus weeks. The incision is healing well, of what little I can see. Long gone are the techni-color bruises and I can honestly say, I don't think the scar will be all that bad.

Thankfully, my days of daisy-dukes are long over or else I might feel otherwise.

I worked from home today. Paris must have clocked me over the head around 3 PM, because she and I dozed off on the sofa and slept like the dead until almost 6 PM.

I feel like I've slept more in the last 3 weeks than I have in the last 3 months!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

3 Weeks Post Operative

(Apologies to Sam for copying your format... Imitation is flattery, I promise.)

It's been 3 weeks since my Femoral Derotation Osteotomy and Arthroscopy and here's what I can do:

  • Go to work 3 days a week without feeling totally wiped out. (Only partially.)
  • Commute from Grand Central Terminal to Times Square with my New York Attitude - Please and Thank You's to all of my Compassionates and free flowing commentary to all of the Assh*les. "Fried Green Tomatoes" had "Towanda," Hipchicknyc has "Crutch Girl."
  • Dress myself with the exception of my right sock (although I do get it about 85% of the time.)
  • Bathe with the exception of my right foot. Lucky for me, the shower on a hose does an adequate job.
  • Lie on my left side for almost 10 minutes before I have to flip back to my back.
  • Get in and out of the car by myself. Trust me, we have a big/high SUV - it's an act.
  • Go up and down stairs with confidence and not feeling like I need a spotter.
  • Get through the day with only Tylenol for the pain, and not necessarily take the full 8 that I'm allowed per day.
  • My crutching stamina is improving and that arm muscle definition I've been waiting for is finally starting to come in. (I'm looking forward to a summer full of racerbacks, beaters, and string tees. I'm also going to do all I can do to hang onto some of my new found upper body strength - especially since I have the left hip to look forward to in '09.)

Here's the very best part of all - while I still have pain, it's related to the surgery and it's getting to be less and less. The gnawing, nagging, ever-present aching in my hip that I had prior to the surgery is GONE. That is truly amazing.

For my fellow Hip Chicks who are to follow (I'm thinking of you, Cassie) my best advice is to stay positive. You'll have your moments, but you can do it. There's a silver lining to everything - you just have to look for it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It Must be an Omen...

Got up this morning and headed to the train in the rain only to find that the transportation woes from yesterday were lingering. My train was cancelled - next one wasn't for another 40 minutes.

I did the smart thing and went home. I spent the bulk of the day on the sofa fielding emails and then had a solid one-hour, unplugged, flat-line nap. I'm so spent I'm not even going to go with Doug to Dog School tonight. Just can't do it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Commute from Hell

I tried to be good today, especially after getting a kind-hearted talking to from one of my (2) bosses about not trying to be a hero when I should be taking the time that I need to get well. (We'll see what the other boss says tomorrow, but I suspect he would have preferred me back in the office on the day after I was sprung from the hospital.) So, like a good girl, I left the office at 3ish and headed to Grand Central.

The good news was that I got there with plenty of time to catch the 3:50 express train home, which would have me there and on the sofa with my feet up by 4:30. The bad news is that I didn't actually get home until almost 6:30 due to the collapse of an abandoned building in the vicinity of the tracks in Harlem which rendered all of the trains stranded at the station for well over an hour and a half.

So much for catching an afternoon nap. Will have to try for one again tomorrow.

On the whole, I'm feeling good. I only take Tylenol for the pain when I need it and most days I'm below the 4000 mg maximum that I'm allowed. I do get tired though - the crutching combined with the repair work that's going on inside of me takes a fair amount of energy. Perhaps the part I underestimated the most.

Monday, March 3, 2008

This Ain't the Mall...

I took a later train into work today so as to avoid the bulk of commuters. I made it from Grand Central to Times Square in 17 minutes (using the Shuttle.) I can normally do the walk in about 12 - 15 minutes, so I consider this to be an accomplishment.

Both of my meetings were cancelled/rescheduled which was kinda nice except for the fact that my loaner laptop that was supposed to be there when I got back, wasn't, so I wasn't terribly productive.

Left the office at 3:00 to head to the dentist for my replacement, replacement filling (which he didn't charge me for - guess it was under warranty...) and by the time I got there (via cab) I was fried. I nearly fell asleep while I was waiting for the Novocaine to take effect. I did manage to crutch my way from his office to GCT - 8 short blocks and one long block. Surprisingly, I didn't pass out on the train.

What I learned today is this - I need to cut myself some slack. I'm gonna come in on the late side and leave on the early side until I have the stamina to do this. I must have done the equivalent of 1,000 push ups today - if I can manage to raise the toothbrush to my mouth tomorrow morning, I'll be amazed.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

School Night

Tomorrow is my First Day Back At Work.

I almost feel like it's the first day of school - outfit all picked out, did the dry run over the weekend... Too bad for my employees that I've already seen that they swapped out my desk chair for a wheelchair and parked a walker in front of my computer, pranksters that they are - nice try guys...

Now the real upper body workout begins. Manhattan, here I come.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pop Up Day

Today is Pop Up Day, a day that has existed in my mind since I was very young. It's one of my favorite days of the year, as it is a harbinger of Spring. I'll explain -

When I was a kid my Auntie Jeanne gave me a poster from the college she was attending in Manhattan. At the center was a photo of NYC taken with a fish eye lens. Running down either side of the photo were the months of the year - on the left side September, October, November, December, January, and February. Running down the the right side was March, April, May, June, July, and August. The poster hung on the wall at the foot of my bed and this is how I learned the months of the year. That the year didn't actually start on September 1st was a conundrum to me when it came time to officially learn the months of the year in school. Being the visual person that I am, I continue to think of the months of the year laid out this way. So, yesterday we were at the bottom of the left hand column and today we "popped up" to the top of the right hand column. Although it's snowing outside right now, I know that because we're now on this side of the calendar, Spring is on the way.

And now back to Hipville...

This afternoon Doug and I are going to make a trial run into the office so that I can test drive the commute for Monday. We're also going to have dinner with friends, which is the best part of all.

This year Pop Up Day is also a harbinger of normalcy.