Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day

Last night Doug and I safely negotiated our way in (via train) and out (via car service) of Manhattan. It was good practice for me - especially navigating through crowds.

People seem to fall into two distinct groups - The Compassionate and The Assh*les. The former will smile at you as they step aside, offer kind or encouraging words, point out potential hazards, alert the inattentive to your trajectory. The latter will blithely knock a crutch out from under you as they speed ahead to get around you without looking back. Lucky for me, I can project my voice pretty well and the NY'er in me isn't afraid to tell anyone just how big of an Assh*le they really are for nearly knocking me over.

Poor Doug thought he was going to have to break up a fight last night... At the end of the day though, Crutch Girl trumps Idiots and Assh*les as there always seemed to be a Compassionate ready to intercede on my behalf.

It was really great to see Eric and Steve. Good times.

Tonight we have Dog School. Tomorrow (weather permitted) we will make a trial run to my office. I'm ready to get back to work. Even Paris is sick of hanging out on the sofa with me...

I'M getting sick of hanging out on the sofa with me...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

14 Days Post-Op

Two weeks post-op and I was able to put on my own right sock this morning - yea!! I made it through the night on the Tylenol PM OK. I actually think that tonight I will try one Tylenol PM and one regular Tylenol so as to lessen the hang over effect. I've only been hitting the Tylenol only when I need it during the day and that has been lessening. I swear I am done, done, done with the vicodins. I feel like I'm getting my life back - hopefully my vision will come back with it.

The short-term disability chicky finally called me back today and I am definitely going back to work on Monday. Looking forward to it!

Doug and I are going to have our first trial run into the city tonight to see our friends Steve and Eric. I think we'll also try an attempt at getting to the office over the weekend if the weather cooperates.

Wahoo! Bit by bit, I am getting stronger every day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Take 2

Ok, so about a week ago I tried to go sans Vicodin at night and it wasn't good. I'm going to give it another try tonight. The pain is definitely less than it was a week ago and I've had it with the freaky dreams and full-on nightmares that it causes.

The filling I ate about a month ago that was replaced, has been eaten once again! Arg! My dentist is away at a conference so I've got to wait until Monday...

I've left messages AGAIN for short term disability, telling them that I want to go back to work next week. They have yet to call me back - you would think they'd be happy to get me off of their dime. I'm ready to go back - hanging out around the house has gotten really, really old.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back...

Yesterday I woke up feeling like a champ. Ready to go back to work, full of energy, feeling good.

Last night I didn't sleep so well. Doug said I was talking in my sleep - something about "Pink School." I only remember dreaming about pink dishes...

My nausea patch was due to expire yesterday and I still felt good before I went to bed, but this morning I was right back at it and had to put on my third three-day patch since I've been home. Bleck! My vision is still blurry. So, I've been knocked down a peg...

It looks like I'm getting my clearance to return to work on Monday. Given the progress I've made since I came home, I should be a lot better in another 5.5 days...

I also got up the nerve to weigh myself this morning. I'm 3 pounds heavier than I was on the day I went into the hospital. The visiting nurse said it's probably the water weight in my still swollen leg. I'm going to take her word on that.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Almost Ready

I feel like I could go back to work this week. I'm thinking Wednesday and Friday. The visiting nurse comes again tomorrow - I'll need to negotiate with her... My short term disability insurance won't allow me to go back until I have medical approval. We'll see how that goes.

Jen and Monk came up to visit today. We were overdue to catch up - now we're doing that while the dogs wrestle like they're feral...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

one week later

I've been home for a full week now. Sometimes I wonder if I'm pushing myself too much. I feel stronger every day but when I get the random stabbing pains that come out of no where, I worry about the hardware inside of me. Has it shifted? Is it bent?

I'm supposed to stay home for another week. I just hope I don't go stir crazy. I'm a little over the mall...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's Official:

I am a mall rat.

Doug and I ventured out to the Westchester today for more crutching fun and games. I test drove the Tumi backpack purse and have determined that it needs to go back.

To my fellow Hip Chickers: wide backpack straps are very uncomfortable with crutches. So is my Northface winter coat. What seems to work best for me is the backpack with cord straps (thank you Mom) and my lightweight (read not bulky) down jacket.

While we were there I picked out some tops that I can wear when I go back to work that offer some butt coverage. I don't need all of Viacom looking at my lopsided back end and besides they're tops that will look cute with jeans whenever that fine day rolls around...

My thunder thigh has gone down a weensie bit - maybe 7/8 of an inch since we started measuring. I don't know to what I can attribute that - elevation every night, my new found mall ratness, or just the plain old passage of time...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day

It started snowing overnight. We've got about 6" so far and it's not supposed to stop until later tonight. These are the days when I would normally wish that I didn't have to go into work, that I could just snuggle up with Paris on the sofa and watch the snow fall. Today I get to do exactly that and that's a positive.

My brother Chuck and his colleague, Wes, stopped by the the house briefly on their way back from a sales call in Jersey. They want to beat feet to get back to CT, but took the time to swing by. It was a very nice surprise.

Dog School was cancelled for tonight due to the snow.

I'm getting better bit by bit, but still get dead tired every day.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

One Week Post-Op

Wahoo! I survived my first week!

I still feel like I'm getting a bit better each day. It's my need to sleep (like a dead person) and my ginormous leg that are the most taxing. Oh, that and the rash on my back...

But here are the positives: I've been out of the house 3 times, I'm only taking vicodin at night, the nausea patch works pretty well, and I'm getting better at crutching and I don't feel like my arms are going to fall off. I guess the Pilate's push ups I did for a month pre-surgery paid off.

The PT came this morning to evaluate me. She, like the visiting nurse, told me to stand up straight. So I'm trying not to slouch. She'll come back next week to check in on me but I won't be able to start PT until I get clearance from Dr. Buly in March. She was very encouraging though and told me that it will be easier when I go in to have my left hip done - I'll know what to expect, I have the gear, and unlike now, my supporting leg will be a GOOD leg not a declining leg.

Bob and Mary went home tonight so it's just Doug and Paris and me for the weekend.

A big thanks to Sandra and Brooke for supplying us with food. It's so appreciated!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Not Quite So Fast

So, last night I took 2 Tylenol PM's instead of vicodin before bed and then 2 more around 3 AM. I didn't sleep very well. I didn't feel as rested when I woke up. The visiting nurse came to meet with me this morning and I told her about it. She told me to stay on the vicodins at night for a while longer because I need the rest to heal. As much as I hate the idea of taking narcotics, I agree with her. Oh well. The nurse did say that I was doing well though and that the PT will be calling me soon to set up that program.

We went to the Westchester Mall today for about an hour for me to practice my crutching skills. What I realized very quickly is that you need to treat being on crutches like being a defensive driver. You can't assume that everyone sees you and that even if they do, some of them can't be bothered to step out of your way. Nice!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Squeaky Clean

I had my shower this morning. The shower stool and showerhead on a hose work well. This afternoon Bob and Mary and I went out on the town. I got a blowout, we went to our local diner, and to the pharmacy where I picked up the Rx for the anti-nausea patches (thank you, Elaine.) It felt good to get out in the fresh air.

By the time we were done with errands I was ready for a nap.

This afternoon I accidentaly grazed by op-leg on the bathroom sink. It felt like someone had whacked me on the hip with a cast iron skillet. It's something I'll try hard not to repeat.

I'm going to make a go of it tonight with Tylenol PM instead of the vicodins. I had really bad itchies when I was on the dilaudin in the hospital; I don't think the vicodins are helping my case with the itchy bacne or the nausea. I'd just assume be done with it.

Big day tomorrow.

(I have no idea why the spell check function on blogspot no longer seems to work. Please excuse my bad spelling....)

Monday, February 18, 2008


When I was in the hospital I talked to the anesthesiologiest about nausea and my past experiences with surgeries. She was really great, listened to me, and gave me a patch to wear behind my ear that was good for 72 hours plus had me take a Prilosec every day. It worked like a charm.

By the time I got home, the patch was done and the nausea set in. Mind you, I've read a lot of blogs so this wasn't a surprize, but man is it miserable. I'm taking OTC Prilosec and Dramamine, but it's not the same. I think I need to call the doctor's office tomorrow and get an Rx for a couple more patches. When I go back and do my left leg, I won't leave the hospital without one.

On the one hand, I'm still really queasy, and it sounds as though there's a thunderstorm going on in my lower tract. The plumbing was nice and well behaved in the hospital - now it's looking for it's moment in the spotlight. My leg is swollen and while it's not any bigger than it was last night, it's not any smalller either. I have some kind of itchy pimply bumps that popped up on my upper back last night. Ugh.

On the other hand, I feel like I'm really making progress. The leg pain isn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated (to date) and I'm feeling more and more comfortable on the crutches. I need to have a hardcore, flatline 2 hour nap every day, but that's to be expected. When I'm not sleeping, I get up and do a lap around the kitchen every hour and I feel less stiff each time afterwards. Tonight when I was getting ready for bed my husband layed out my clothes and fuzzy socks and then went downstairs to get me some water. When he came back up I had changed and managed to get my sock onto my good leg. He said "ooooooh! You put a sock on all by yourself!!" We both had to laugh. I probably haven't been complemented on my putting on a sock skills since I was about 3...

Today my friends Bronwyn and Baxter Beans stopped by to say hello. They brought a little baby Azalia that I can plant outside in the spring. I'm hoping it's a tough one - my track record with house plants is a little darwinian. (I'll do my best Bronwyn!)

Tomorrow is a big day. I get to take a shower (trust me, I need it) and I'm going to get a blow-out so I don't have to fuss with doing my own hair. Fun, fun! Wednesday we will go to the mall so I can put my crutching skills to the test and also see where my stamina is.

Positive, positive, positive. I am getting stronger every day.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I got paroled this morning. Yea!

I'm getting better with the crutches although I still need to talk myself though it: "crutch, bad leg, good leg, crutch, bad leg, good leg, keep the head up, look forward, crutch, bad leg, good leg..." I'm sure it's like driving a stick shift for the first time - pretty soon I'll be able to do it without thinking so hard.

I was sent home with an Rx for Norco (vicodin) and coated asprins to keep away the clots. I can take Tylenol instead of the Norcos if I want. I want to try to get though these first few days only taking the narcs at night and then I will switch to Tylenol PM at night. As it is, I haven't taking a Norco since 2:30 AM, only Tylenol.

I was told by the PT to get up and move once an hour - very happy news for me. I did a little negotiating with the PT regarding my plans to go the mall to practice crutching. In my world, I'd be headed there right now - they want me to wait until Tuesday or preferably Wednesday. I hope I'll feel strong enough to go to Dog School on Wednesday night to watch Doug run Paris.

Bob and Mary have come down from CT for the week so that Doug can go back to work tomorrow. While he won't admit to it, I'm sure he's happy to get a break from Hipville. He's been so great.

I'm just so happy to be back. I really feel like I'm getting better every hour, every day.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

"They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab, I said

Ow, ow, ow."

Thankfully it's not Amy Winehouse type rehab. I just got back into bed after being up for the third time today. Twice on the walker to use the loo and just now I walkered down to the PT room and then crutched all the way back. It's definitely not without pain, but it feels so good to be up and moving. The hardest part is manuvering my op-leg off of and back onto the bed. That and the sharp jags of pain that sneak up on me.

I've been off of the morphine drip since yesterday. I take Vicodins at fairly regular intervals but not always 2 each time. I feel clear headed.

All of my tubes are out as of this moring. They only left the IV tap in my hand "just in case." I'm wearing my own night gown and slippers. Sandra, Lydia and Jim A came to visit me. It's a good day.

Thank you all for your emails and blog comments. It really lifts my spirits to hear from you - keep 'em coming! I feel like I've turned a big corner today.

Looks like I'll be going home tomorrow.


Friday, February 15, 2008

My Valentines' Present

Here's what I got yesterday!

Made it to the other side!

Hi Everyone!

I'm baaaaack! Last night they were out of hospital rooms, about 6 others and I had to spend the night in the post-op room, which didn't make for any quality sleep with everyone's machines beeping all night and the overhead lights on until 2:30 AM. They finally got me into a room around 4 PM - unfortunately it's not by the window, but at least I should be able to get some decent sleep.

PT came around this morning and made me take couple of steps with a walker - 3 forwards and 3 backwards. I'm supposed to have more walker fun tonight and then tomorrow I get to use crutches.

My epidural just came out so I'm hoping I will get some real food tonight. Yesterday I had a ginger ale. Today I had a ginger ale, apple juice and jello for breakfast. You know I'm hungry when I eat jello - I LOATHE it. Lunch was tomato soup, apple juice, tea, and another ginger ale. I did not eat the custard (yuck), jello (yuck, yuck), or vanilla ice cream that were on my tray.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A long day...yesterday

Up at about 6:00 we left for the hospital around 8:00. Arriving 45 minutes early gave me time for a cup of coffee after check in. We were taken to a room for Laura to get ready and meet the nurses, anesthesiologist, technicians etc. By noon, she was finally ready to get it done.
The surgery was scheduled to start at 12:30 and end around 4:30. Actual time turned out to be about 1:30 to 5:30 in the operating room and she finally got into recovery around 6:45. She was in reovery about an hour before they would let me see her and then for only 15 minutes. She looked great considering what she went through. Very happy to see me, she had a big smile and complained about being hungry. They weren't ready to take her to a room and wouldn't let me stay as visiting hours end at 8:00 p.m. anyway. It was still great to see her with a smile on her face.
Dr. Buly met with me after the surgery to explain what had been done and that it went extremely well. She will have movement in all directions in her hip right away but can't put weight on it for 6 weeks. The amazing thing is that they are going to get her up tomorrow and get her moving...less than 24 hours after the surgery.
I would like to thank everyone for their support and a special thanks to Sean, Bronwyn and Baxter Beans for helping with Paris today and bringing her to pick me up at the train station tonight. By the time I got off the train at 10:00 tonight, I was exhausted and did not relish the walk up the hill to our house. It's amazing how "beat" you get waiting around a hospital for close to 12 hours.
It is now a new day for both Laura and I. For her, the long process of healing has started. For me, it is now close to 12:30 a.m. and I need sleep. It's going to be another long day at the hospital in a few hours but it is all good.

(BTW - this picture was taken in pre-op. I can assure you that I didn't look this perky in post-op.)

And so it goes...

Okay...having solved several connectivity issues AND password and sign on issues...hopefully this post will land in the right place.

Anyway...just a quick update on "Hipchicknyc"...

Laura was in good spirits this morning although a bit nervous but in a good way. I like to think it is more excitement moving forward with anticipation of good things to come out of this. Being the son of a doctor, I have had my experiences with hospitals...both as a visitor in many ways and as a patient. Hospital for Special Surgery so far has impressed me immensly. All of the nurses, techs, doctors etc. that I have met and or spoken to are top notch.

Laura's doctor advised shortly before she went in on time at 12:30 this afternoon that she would be about 3 to 3 and a half hours. So I am sitting here in the family waiting room speaking to all of you, answering e-mails and trying to get a little work done so I am not burried on Monday. I can't wait for her to get out of surgery and my own anxiety/nervousness is making it difficult to get work done. Certainly there is comfort in writing this as I haven't put anything to "paper" until now. I have tried to portray the "rock" so as not to make Laura any more anxious than necessary but this morning it came through and she said I seemed more nervous than she felt. Of course I am nervous as I committed my life and love to her many years ago. She will be fine and my heart tells me this as she is in good hands...did I mention how impressive the staff is in this place...LOL.

Laura should be out of surgery in about an hour or so and I need to get a few things done away form this computer. Hopefully she will be settled in her room around 5:30 or 6:oo and I can give a post op update at that time. She thanks everyone for their kind words of encouragement.

Blogspot wierdness

I just tried posting an entry that doesn't seem to want to post. Trying again.

Valentines' Day

I'm surprisingly not freaked out right now. I'm hungry. Really, really hungry.

Doug and I are in the pre-op area. This is where the fun begins.

More from Doug later. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentines' Eve

My last day of work was chockablock full of meetings to keep me nicely distracted. My team had a little "bon voyage" celebration for me - it was very thoughtful.

Tonight we went to agility class and I ran Paris. It wasn't too bad overall, but the best part was that I actually forgot about my surgery for a little while.

We have to be at the hospital by 9:30 AM tomorrow. My surgery is scheduled to start at 12:30 and should be done by 4:30. Doug will be updating the blog and relaying any comments to me over the next couple of days.

I've got 15 more minutes before I can't eat or drink anything prior to surgery. I think I'll go chug a liter of water... Hopefully I'll get a little sleep tonight.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow Flakes and Flip Flops

I had my pre-ops today - pee'd in a cup, EKG, blood samples, and chest xrays.

Tonight's T'ai Chi class was cancelled due to snow. I took advantage of the free time and got a pre-op mani-pedi. Usually I give my toes the winter off as time to rejuvinate, but not right now - I'm not going into the OR with raggedy-ass off-season toes. If I have to look at a bloated, discolored post-op leg on Friday, at least if I look a little further, I'll see some nicely manicured toes. Toenail color: Runway.

OK, so it's been snowing since mid-afternoon... No problem, I switch out my boots for flip flops. Doug picked me up at the nail salon and we went out for dinner at our local Italian joint. Me in my hat, scarf, winter coat and flip flops. I don't care - I'm not ruining a fresh pedi because of a couple of inches of snow!

OMG! I've got one more day before the big one!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Less than 3 days

Today has been a long one.

I usually relish days when I have no meetings, but not today - I would have welcomed the distraction. It's hard not to think about the fact that I'm going to have the top of my femor bone sawed off in a few days.

I have to focus on the positive.

I'm going to get a massage tonight. That's a positive.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Paris has 5 basic routes for her walkies: Park, High School, Morning Loop, Triangle, and Woods. Every day she has a specific route in mind and digs in her heels if we try to choose otherwise. This morning it was Woods. It's a half mile loop a short distance from the house. It was peaceful and quiet - not even the deer were there. The next time I'm back it will probably be Spring and yet the Woods are right across the street.

Doug and I had breakfast at our local diner for the second day in a row and then headed into the city. I got some slippers for my HSS stay - now there's nothing left to be done except pick up the shower stool.

We went and played pool for a couple of hours and had a lot of fun despite the fact that I suck at it. We contemplated bowling but that's just too much for the hips (and I'm pretty awful at bowling too.)

Tonight I'll watch the Grammys from home for the first time in 5 years. We've scaled way back on our coverage but I would have gone had it not been for the surgery. Considering the circumstance, I'm glad to be at home right now.

Last night Doug and I had our Valentines' dinner and I gave him the gift I bought in mid-November: a pair of tickets to the Clapton/Winwood concert at MSG on February 28th - exactly 2 weeks after my surgery. Um, yeah. I think I'll have to play that one by ear.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Rough Night

I feel like I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. I kept dreaming that I was in the hospital in pre-op, lying on a gurney, just waiting to be taking into surgery. Anxiety for sure.

Today I bought a couple of night gowns that I can wear in the hospital, a shower head on a hose, and ordered a shower stool that should be here next week. The only thing left on the list is to get some non-skid socks or something that I can wear on my feet in the hospital.

BTW - for my fellow Hip Chicks - The other day I bought and tried out some of the dry shampoo. It really works! The only hiccup is that since it's white powder, if you don't REALLY brush it in, it looks like you've got some seriously bad grey roots coming in.

Doug and I are going out for a nice dinner tonight for Valentines' Day. I hope he likes the gift I got him (way back in November.) When I got his gift I had no idea I'd be in this predicament in February... Will explain later.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Last Friday Class

I had a decent day at work, although the pain got progressively worse as the day wore on. Tylenol by itself isn't as good as being mixed with IB's or IB's alone.

We went to agility class tonight. My first two runs were decent, but Paris shut down on the third - wouldn't weave, would move off of her contacts, was slow. I was in pain at that point - I wonder if she could tell. Doug took her for her final run, and run she did - probably her best of the night. I think she knows something's up.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

1 Week Out

OK, so now I feel like the countdown clock is REALLY ticking... In seven days at this time the surgery will be DONE and I'll be on my way to getting better. Wow.

I reported in for jury duty today and was able to talk my way out of being considered for a criminal trial (read 3 week commitment) but had to sit through the impanneling process for a civil trial. Since I can't commit to 5 to 7 days of a trial, and with Tuesday being a court holiday for God only knows what, I was told by the not so warm and fuzzy judge that he was going to make me take a deferral so that I could have more of this fun in a few months time. But thankfully when they excused all of us not chosen for the trial, they gave each of us a letter for jury time served, good for the next six years. So, I've fulfilled my civic duty and I'm off the hook for a while. Whew. Another thing checked off the list.

I had dinner with my friend Kristine tonight. When I got up from the table it was my left hip that was squawking in pain and not the right. It bothers me that it has these moments - makes me wonder how long I will last before I have to have that side done too. My left knee has also been a bit bitchy lately. I'm hoping that all of this is because I'm at odd angles to compensate for the right and that I'm not just falling apart.

One week. I have one more Friday, one more weekend, a Monday, a Tuesday full of pre-op screening, the day before, and then it's here.

And then I'll be on the other side. I can climb this mountain.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Call of (Jury) Duty

Yeah, so I knew it was too good to last. Tomorrow I have to report in for Jury Duty at 8:30 AM. I don't mind serving my time or being chosen for a trial as long as it doesn't run into next week. I'm bringing my pre-op info letter with me as ammo just in case.

Had quite a bit of pain today and Doug had to run Paris at class. He's got lots of classes ahead of him while I'm on the mend.

As of tonight I can no longer take IB's. It's just Tylenol until they hit me with the hard stuff in the hospital.

My surgery is NEXT WEEK! It's a little surreal.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Next Week

I can't believe my surgery is NEXT WEEK. It's a little freaky. I still have a couple of things to take care of before I go in, but I feel like I'm ready for the most part.

I've been taking a combo of IB's and Tylenol lately - 3 and 3 at a time. Some of the pain still manages to burn through. I find that when I try to cut back I'm hit harder with pain the next day. It's time to get this taken care of. Bring it on.

The good news of the day is that I finally spoke to Allison at Dr. Buly's office and we're good to go on the insurance end of the world. As good as it gets in that world anyway. I'm going to make it my mission to make sure that Cigna pays every dime of what they're supposed to cover.

They've called jurors up to number 420 for tomorrow. I'm number 475 so there's a pretty high probablility I'll get called in for Thursday. Another thing I'm ready to just get it over with...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday, Monday

I dodged the jury duty bullet for today and tomorrow. At the rate that they're calling in jurors, I'm figuring I'll have to go in on Wednesday or Thursday. Whomever came up with the call-in system is brilliant.

Still a little tired from the events of last week and staying up until midnight last night after seeing the Giants win the Super Bowl. Wahooooo!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

Let's go GIANTS!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


We successfully pulled off the show. It's been a long, long week. Going home. Going to sleep.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Pigs Can Fly

Although Groundhog Day isn't until tomorrow, for the second day in a row I come home to find two letters from Cigna. Both are addressed to me, one is approving the Femoral Derotation Osteotomy, the other is approving an Incision-Fixation of Femur. I have no idea what the latter procedure is - it's not something I'm getting. But this means that between the letter I got yesterday (which approves the arthroscopy) and the letter I got today, I'm approved for the two procedures I will be having.

Yea!!!! :)

PS - no word on Charlie's surgery. As of late this afternoon they were still waiting for the heart to arrive at the hospital. Still thinking of you Charlie.

small potatoes

I JUST found out that my nephew who has been on the waiting list since last September, finally got a heart. It came in last night and his transplant surgery will be today. All of my thoughts and prayers are with you Charlie.

Makes all my stuff seem so trivial in comparison. Because it is.

Insurance Insanity

So, last night when I got home there were two letters from Cigna for me. The first is dated January 25th and is addressed to me. It says that they've reviewed my voluntary predetermination for my surgery and have determined it to be medically necessary. Good news. Then they go on to say that even though this is medically necessary they may or may not cover any and all of the expenses. How shocking.

The second letter I received is a copy of a letter sent to Dr. Buly dated January 26th (one day later) and it states that they reviewed the predetermination and are UNABLE to substantiate medical necessity. WTF??? They go on to say that they need to have copies of my xrays, MRI's, CT's and recent physical sent to them by March 15th so they can further evaluate.

What am I supposed to do? Reschedule? Wait? Punt?

Must speak with Allison today.