Monday, April 14, 2008

Walking the Straight and Narrow

I went to personal training this morning. As tedious as the exercises are, they're really working. I've noticeably improved over the last couple of weeks - I'm becoming more flexible, limping less.

I still have a limp when I walk without my cane. But the weird thing is that if I walk without it with my arms directly out to the side (like the letter "t") I have almost no limp at all. To fit through hallways I have to modify to "cactus" arms and limp only slightly more. Arms back down: I'm limping. I have no idea why it works and even Adam was stumped by that one. I visualize myself walking normally - as hard as I try, I can't yet walk like a normal person.

So, today at the office I T-walked and cactus-walked around a bunch without my cane. Adam would be pissed, I know but I am sooooooo sick of it. For the first time in 8 weeks I wore jeans to work - i.e. something other than the black workout pants. I crave normalcy.

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