Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Three Weeks Post Op

Today I am three weeks past my surgery and I'm feeling pretty good. Here's where I am:
  • I can put on my right sock and shoe, but still need help with the left.
  • No problems getting in and out of the shower on my own.
  • I still know when I'm coming up on my next Tylenol dose, but the jags of pain are getting to be fewer.
  • My biggest challenge, by far, is that I cannot sleep through the night. Every night between 2:00 and 4:00 I am awakened by leg pain and muscle spasms. Once I'm awake, there's nothing I can do to get comfortable again. I've learned that if I wake up on the early side to just take a benedryl or two to knock myself out. Otherwise I'd be up for hours.
  • I still need a big nap every day.

PT came for her last home visit today. There's not much more that she can do with me, it's just isometrics for now until I see Dr. B on the 21st.

1 comment:

Kris, in New England said...

Congrats on the sock & shoe thing! That's already been a challenge for me for several years. Since I know I'll need one after surgery, I've already order a "sock puller" to practice with.

So glad to read of your progress and attitude. It's helpful for someone beginning to face this odyssey!