Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Come Fly With Me

First of all, Doug apologises for not posting yesterday. He was pretty tired after the day. Ha! He doesn't know the meaning of the word. I getting tired just typing this.

I did well with my Triple Threat (osteotomy, arthroscopy, and hardware removal.) The biggest challenge now is figuring out how I am going to grow wings and fly. I have the residents and PT in a conundrum - Dr. B said that I can toe-touch on the osteotomy side (10 pounds or so of weight) and be 50% weight bearing on my hardware removal side. Hmmmmmm.... that leaves roughly 40% of my weight to be supported by??? My arms, as it turns out. Sadly, I can't fly, but HSS has a walker rigged with arm supports. OK, what about when I get home? What am I to do with the flight of stairs every morning and night? I'm waiting for Dr. B to come by and hopefully tell me I can do the stairs at full weight on the right side.

OK - going to nap now. Tired, tired, tired. More later.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

I was wondering how things were going. Glad to hear from you. I hope you're feeling ok. Sure hope you figure out how to walk with the whole weight bearing restrictions. Keep us posted.