Friday, May 2, 2008

Citizen Cane-less

I've gone a full week without a cane. I think I'm officially done with it until I have my left hip femoral derotation osteotomy.

I told Adam I'm cane-less and he was OK with it. I even got to use the "circus bike" at PT today. It's a stationary bike with a very short crank and nominal resistance. Your feet spin around in tiny little speedy circles, like a clown bike. Not a lot of cardio, but mas bien de nada, as they say.

Speaking of the left side, it's gotten a lot crabbier in the last couple weeks, as I had been warned and knew that it would. For a little while there was a part of me that was thinking that maybe I wouldn't need to have that side fixed because I was feeling so good. But that's the same kind of thinking I had last fall when I'd convinced myself that I only had a torn labrum when I initially went in to see Dr. Buly. How wrong I was.

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