Today was a noteworthy day for three reasons. The least of which is that today marks my 12 weekiversary since I had my surgery. I continue to get a little bit better each and every day.
Today I also scheduled my femoral derotation osteotomy, and arthroscopy for my left hip and hardware removal on my right hip: my next surgery date is Tuesday, December 2nd. This is, of course, provided that the insurance gods don't frown on my humble request to be relieved from my pain.
Perhaps now I should re-title the blog to: The Year of the HipS. Although, I kind of liken it to a Chinese year - the year of the dragon, the year of the monkey, the rat, the hip... That's just my take on this world.
I often refer to myself as living in Hipville. I think of Sarah as being a close neighbor - the only other FDO I've encountered to date, having had same surgeon in the same hospital. I've met her; I've emailed her with my questions too embarrassing to ask of anyone else - she's someone with whom I can identify in this odd place in which I've found myself.
Tonight my Hip World got a little bit bigger, as I met my second Hip Chick, she being from the greater Hip Nation. Lisa is a THR (one down, one to go) who reigns from the west coast. I met her through the Yahoo Group and she's in town with her friends Alka and Kristen. It was truly my pleasure to meet them all for a drink - which turned into drinks and dinner! (Top photo: Lisa, Me, Kristen; bottom photo: Alka, Lisa, Me)
I am so thankful for the internet that unites us. I've said it before - I'll say it again - it's through meeting other Hip Chicks, on-line and in person, that I feel like I am not a freak. Before my diagnosis, I'd only known hip dysplasia to be an ailment for dogs.
We are all walking (or limping) our own paths in Hip World, but we have a common bond that makes for an instant rapport. We can share our experiences and insights to help ourselves in ways in which our gifted surgeons cannot. I feel blessed to have options, some of the best medical support in the world, and Hip Sisters.
Kristen - get that MRI! I'm going to make sure that Lisa stays on you for that! ;)