I had a really rough night last night. My right hip hurt a lot. I must have dozed off on my left side at some point because I found myself lying awake with pain on both sides, the left hurting more than the right. It was as if the left was competing for attention and last night it got it.
I tried having a mental pep talk with the left - you've just got to tough it out.I'm counting on you to bear the weight for the next two months. I haven't forgotten about you. Your time will come.
I hope it listened.
It wasn't a bad day despite the short sleep. I did my self-blood donation and had my pre-op physical.
The doctor who did my pre-op asked me how I was. I told her that I'm great and that I'm a healthy person, I just have this hip thing that's got to be corrected. As much as this situation has been at the forefront of my mind lately, it's not who I am. I'm not going to let this be a part of my identity.
I know there will be pain, I know it won't be easy, I know I will be challenged but I'm trying to stay positive, positive, positive.
The only way out is through.
10 years
6 years ago