Paris wins the prize for having the worst day of the week, by a landslide.
She woke up this morning with an infected anal gland - about the size of a grape and filled with blood and puss. This was a new experience for all of us. We rode up to the vet and who "expressed it" and then we were sent home with antibiotics and a week's worth of fun activities that involve hot compresses and ointment. And she's got this smashing collar to wear for a week.
Not a happy camper.
She woke up this morning with an infected anal gland - about the size of a grape and filled with blood and puss. This was a new experience for all of us. We rode up to the vet and who "expressed it" and then we were sent home with antibiotics and a week's worth of fun activities that involve hot compresses and ointment. And she's got this smashing collar to wear for a week.
Not a happy camper.
Hip Chick
Seems like your dog and my cat have featured on our blogs for their bad days. http://iampaod.blogspot.com/2007/12/poor-kitty.html
I wish you all the best with your surgery. I truly believe that the wait is the hardest part and once you're on the other side things become easier. You focus in on healing and the worry is gone.
My only piece of advice having gone through a PAO, which I am now 12 weeks post, take the drugs they give you and don't worry about your liver. Believe me mine is fine and I took a number of NSAIDs prior and pain medication post surgery to test that theory.
Good luck. I know you are in good hands from all the reports I have heard about Dr. Buly from Sarah and others.
Hi Lauren,
Thank you for your note. It's comforting to hear from you and others who are further down the road than me. It reaffirms for me that I'm doing the right thing and that I'm not alone.
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